
Bachelor of Elementary Education Degree Programs


Elementary school educators play an integral role in children’s lives, profoundly affecting the ways in which children learn and grow. If you dream of making a difference in this way, ladbrokes立博中文版的基础教育学士学位将为您的职业生涯做好准备, challenging and rewarding education career.

As you pursue your undergraduate elementary education degree, our Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education 会为您提供引人入胜的课程和真实的实地经验,以帮助您获得所需的技能和证书,从而对1-6年级学生的学习产生积极影响吗.

在BSU, we can help you become the teacher you wish you had, preparing you for a classroom of your own.

Bachelor of Elementary Education Program Highlights


Exciting real-world learning opportunities

As you earn your bachelor’s degree in elementary education at BSU, 在你的大学生涯早期,你会发现动手学习的经验. 从混合现实教学模拟和实地体验到国外的研究和学生教学机会, 你将发展和练习技能,自信地开始你的教学生涯.
Dr. 史蒂文·格林伯格在讲课时面带微笑,手里拿着一张纸,背景是一名微笑的女学生坐在桌子旁

Learn from the best

当你在北京州立大学获得基础教育学士学位时, you’ll take classes with leaders in professional organizations, published researchers and acclaimed speakers. Our faculty bring years of teaching experience to your courses, 他们在哪里示范卓越的教学,并分享对现代课堂的见解.

A BSE tailored to your goals

选择适合你的基础教育学士课程. If you choose the Special Education Concentration, 您也可以申请提前接受医学硕士特殊教育项目,作为PreK-8年级中度残疾学生的教师.

A Bachelor of Elementary Education you can trust

We’ve prepared educators and future educators at BSU for 180 years. 我们的基础教育学士学位是马萨诸塞州同类课程中最古老的课程之一. 它也通过了马萨诸塞州初等和中等教育部门的批准, so you know it will give you the credentials you need.

Small class sizes, big benefits

在BSU, 你将和其他大约20名学生一起学习基础教育本科学位课程. 这种亲密的学习环境可以让你的老师了解你, 对你的教学提供建设性的反馈,并允许你与同学合作.

Flexibility to learn on your schedule

BSU的 College of Continuing Studies gives you maximum flexibility to complete your degree. 基础教育学士学位课程可以在白天在桥水大学的主校区学习, or you may pursue your degree at night or online. 我们的夜间和在线课程遵循与日间课程相同的要求和课程, 我们的许多教员在校内授课,晚上授课,也在网上授课.

Awards and special programs

As you earn your bachelor’s degree in elementary education at BSU, 您可以申请加入我们的STEM-EL计划,帮助您培养在多元文化环境中教授stem相关科目的技能. 该项目对通过国家科学基金会资助的学生免费开放. You may also apply for the TEACH Grant, 在低收入学校的高需求学科领域担任全职教师至少四年的学生将获得哪项奖励.

Looking to transfer?

你知道波士顿州立大学35%的本科生是转校生吗? 我们的专用 传输服务 staff will work with you to figure out how to transfer credits, which courses to take next, and how to settle in as a member of the BSU community.

Program of Study for Elementary Education 专业

在BSU, 我们的基础教育理学学士学位课程为您提供以研究为基础的教学法和策略,以鼓励儿童的社会和情感发展.


  • Elementary Education, BSE, 这将为你准备马萨诸塞州初等教育执照(1-6年级)
  • Elementary Education, Special Education Concentration, BSE, 这让你对特殊教育和小学课堂有了深入的了解. 您也可以申请提前接受医学硕士特殊教育项目,作为PreK-8年级中度残疾学生的教师.

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Program details from 2022-2023 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

BSU is doing a great job getting these kids ready to teach. I always interview BSU candidates; I know they are ready to teach.”
School administrator

Careers in Elementary Education

预计对小学熟练教育工作者的需求将会增长, with an estimated 124,300 job openings each year through 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. So, if you’ve been thinking about becoming a teacher, 现在是开始你的旅程,获得你的本科基础教育学位和获得你的初始执照的好时机.


大多数拥有基础教育学士学位的北外校友都在公立学校任教. Once you complete your undergraduate elementary education degree, 然而, you may choose to teach in private or parochial schools, community programs, tutoring organizations or other institutions.




一个长着深棕色长发,戴着黑色金属框眼镜的BSU女学生的侧视图, 拿着铅笔, sitting at a table with 3 other students


在完成了基础教育学士学位后,你是否在考虑继续读研? 如果你选择在你的本科基础教育学位之后继续你的教育, you can stay at BSU to do so.

Here are a few BSU graduate programs in education you may consider:

  • Elementary Education, MEd, Professional License
  • Elementary Education, MEd, Concentration in STEM
  • 基础教育,医学博士,应用技术在小学课堂集中
  • Counseling, Mental 健康 Counseling Concentration, MEd
  • Educational 领导, MEd
  • PreK–12 Education, MEd
  • Bilingual Education, 研究生证书和其他语言的英语教学, Graduate Certificate
  • Digital Technology for Educators, Graduate Certificate