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未成年人 in Graphic Design, Art History and Studio Art

Design the Career of Your Dreams Through Undergraduate Art 未成年人 at BSU

Explore the history of art and visual culture from various geographic and cultural perspectives. 使用多种媒介进行艺术创作. Create graphics for a nationally recognized student art and literary publication. 在ladbrokes立博中文版, you can customize your education with studio art, art history and graphic design programs.

From secondary and elementary education to photography and communications, an art minor can enhance any BSU degree program. That’s because the creative problem-solving skills, spatial thinking and design principles you’ll gain through the study of art and artistic processes can be applied to a wide variety of careers.

In addition to various art majors, our nationally accredited 艺术与艺术史系 offers three 未成年人: art history, graphic design and studio art.

If you’ve been searching among the best graphic design programs, art history undergraduate programs or studio arts programs, you’ll find accredited program options at BSU.


a BSU student sitting at an easel painting with other students painting at easels in the background

Design and create in well-equipped studios

From our graphic design programs to our art history undergraduate programs, 你可以选择激励你的东西. 在波士顿州立大学辅修艺术, you’ll learn and practice in top-notch facilities, taking art courses in our main art building, which has dedicated spaces for painting, 版画等等.
students in graphic design classroom smiling sitting around a table in the center of a room that has computers on desks around its perimeter

Earn your art minor from an NASAD-accredited program

最好的平面设计方案, art history undergraduate programs and studio arts programs are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). Our 艺术与艺术史系 has been NASAD accredited since 2012.
Professor Amy Lovera showing and talking about a photo on a screen while students follow along on their laptops


当你辅修艺术课程的时候, 无论是在平面设计方面, 工作室艺术或艺术史, you’ll learn from practicing artists and art historians who bring their expertise to the classroom and studio.


In our art programs, you’ll learn in classes of 35 or fewer students. This will allow you time to receive one-on-one feedback from your instructors, as well as the opportunity to become part of a close-knit community of art majors and 未成年人.

Undergraduate art programs with the flexibility you need

Our art and art history 未成年人 allow you to take classes full time, 兼职, 在线, 面对面或混合形式. To make our programs even more accessible, we also offer our programs in the evenings.


最好的平面设计方案, art history undergraduate programs and studio arts programs give you invaluable skills you may apply in nearly any career. 通过批判性思维, 研究和工艺, art 未成年人 enhance the bachelor’s degree of your choice.

  • The art history minor delves into global art and architecture, and pairs well with our studio arts program or a graphic design degree.
  • The graphic design minor covers new and traditional processes. 最好的平面设计方案, BSU’s included, help you gain analytical and design skills. Choose this if you love design but don’t necessarily want a graphic design degree.
  • The studio art minor emphasizes techniques from digital imaging to drawing.

Click any link below to reveal each program's course detail.

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Program details from 2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Careers in Graphic Design, Art History and Studio Art

我们艺术工作室的辅修学生, art history and graphic design programs can add value to nearly any bachelor’s degree. Whether you’d like to teach grade school or junior high or work in communications or other fields, the spatial and design skills and critical thinking abilities you gain will benefit your career.

With an art minor added to your bachelor’s degree, you may tap into what you’ve learned to enter graduate school or pursue a career as a:

  • 公立学校教师
  • 市场营销 and Communications Coordinator
  • 社交媒体经理
  • 艺术家或摄影师
2 students smiling at an art exhibit at the BSU Anderson Gallery

Continue your education beyond your Art Minor

If you’d like to continue your education and earn a graduate degree after you complete one of our art history undergraduate programs, studio arts programs or graphic design degrees, here are a few BSU programs to look into:

  • 视觉艺术硕士
  • 幼儿教育,医学博士
  • 基础教育,医学